If you don't know what edition you need exactly, we suggest you to compare editions here


"Unlock Key" licensing schema is allowed only. Code encryption and custom values are disabled. License Manager can be used on 1 PC only.
1 month free support.


License Manager can be used on 1 PC only. No source code provided.
3 months free support.

  1. License Manager (can be used on 1 PC only).
  2. Source code of the protection library.
  3. Command line encryption tool.
  4. Manco .NET Obfuscator.
  5. 6 month free support.

You will get new versions of the Standard edition free of charge during one year.
12 months free support.


You will get new versions of the products included to the "Professional Edition" free of charge during 1 year.
12 months free support.


This bundle includes Manco .NET Licensing System Standard Edition and Activation Web Service. AWS license includes 1 free license for License Shop. You save $99.95.
3 months free support.


You will get new versions of Manco .NET Licensing System Standard Edition and Activation Web Service free of charge during 1 year. AWS license includes 1 free license for License Shop. You save $129.95.
12 months free support.

  1. License Manager (can be used on 1 PC only).
  2. Source code of the protection library.
  3. Command line encryption tool.
  4. Manco .NET Obfuscator.
  5. Activation Web Service.
  6. Floating License Web Service.
  7. 6 month free support.

You will get new versions of the products included to the "Professional Bundle" free of charge during 1 year.
15 months free support.


License protection for the applications and controls developed with .NET Compact Framework 2.0 and high. Includes source codes of the protection library. It can be used with any edition of licensing system (Express, Standard or Professional). If you'd like protect .NET Compact Framework application you should buy one of the base licenses (Express, Standard, Professional, Standard - 1 Year Subscription, Professional - 1 Year Subscription) + this one.
6 months free support.


You will get new versions of the Protection library for the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 and high free of charge during one year.
12 months free support.


Allows activate licenses so that they can be used only on one PC at a time. Activation Web Service can be used with any edition of licensing system (Express, Standard or Professional). If you'd like to use Activation schema with your product you have to buy one of the base licenses (Express, Standard, Professional, Standard - One Year Subscription, Professional - One Year Subscription) + this one. AWS license includes 1 free license for License Shop.
3 months free support.


You will get new versions of the Activation Web Service free of charge during one year. AWS license includes 1 free license for License Shop.
12 months free support.


Allows centralized license distribution and concurrent using of licenses. It can be installed either into your client's network or on your side.
3 months free support.


You will get new versions of the Floating License Web Service free of charge during one year.
12 months free support.


Allows you using License Manager on one (1) additional PC. You should buy this license only if you need to run License Manager on more than one PC.


Allows you using License Shop concurrently. You should buy this license only if you need to run License Shop concurrently on more than one PC.


Allows you using Manco .NET Obfuscator on 1 PC. Express Editon don't allow string encoding and control flow protection.


Allows you using Manco .NET Obfuscator on 1 PC. String encoding is allowed. Standard Editon don't allow control flow protection.


Allows you using Manco .NET Obfuscator on 1 PC. All features are allowed.

Copyright © 2024 - 2015 Manco Software.
Three reasons why it's a worthy product to buy:

1. Features of our product are similar or better than our competitors.

2. Price starts at just $74.95 which makes this product #1 on the market correlating Price - productivity.

3. You get excellent support with this product which can sometimes cost you more than the product.

.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.5
.NET Framework 4.0